С дивана мы встречаем психоаналитиков, которые работают в отделениях диализа, дородовых клиниках, корпоративных залах заседаний, общественных центрах, гуманитарных организациях и с работниками виноградников, и это лишь некоторые из них. Мы надеемся, что эти беседы расширят наше понимание того, насколько широко психоаналитическое мышление распространяется на наши сообщества. 

С дивана
 подготовлено и проведено доктором Харви Шварцем, председателем комитета IPA в области здравоохранения, и доктором Стивеном С. Рольфе.
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Последний эпизод 165

An Analyst’s Journey with Cancer with Jhuma Basak, PhD (Calcutta)

Описание серии:
We begin with honoring the clinical difference between fantasies of physical vulnerability from real life mortal danger. Jhuma shares with us her medical journey that entailed suddenly receiving a diagnosis of cancer. She was immediately hospitalized and faced with, among other challenges, the question of how to inform her patients. She describes her fragility and uncertainty and the various engagements she was able to arrange. We discuss the meanings of “honest submission,” patient’s curiosity, and their aggression and tenderness towards her. She elaborates on the presence of the Hindu notion of an afterlife and her post-hospital awareness that “the clinical becomes vast” – this refers to the importance of bringing analytic sensibilities to the many venues that are ‘off the couch’. We close with her sharing clinical vignettes demonstrating how even real-life current trauma can meaningfully awaken a patient’s awareness of their forgotten painful past.

Наш гость:
Jhuma Basak is a Training & Supervising Psychoanalyst of the Indian Psychoanalytical Society and member of the International Psychoanalytical Association. She holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from the Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. She has specific interest in culture & gender in psychoanalysis. She has publications in Japanese, Italian, French and Spanish. Over the past 20 years, she has presented at various IPA Congresses, along with the Keynote for the 53rd IPA Congress in Cartagena in 2023. Other presentations were at the Washington Baltimore Centre for Psychoanalysis, Hakuoh University, and Kyushu University. She is the co-editor of the book Psychoanalytic & Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Women in India and editor of Sculpting Psychoanalysis in India – Sudhir Kakar. Jhuma has been the past Co-Chair of the Asia Committee on Women & Psychoanalysis and continues to be its consultant.

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9 августа 2024